We are continuing our list of muscle gain programs. Why have we only these during last time? Because the winter is coming, foolish people! That’s why we need, need to recruit the mass. Of course, we should do it in a smart way. After the winter the summer will come and everybody will see who have eaten and who have trained hard.
Today’s plan has its aim to gain the muscle mass, increase the power exercises and improve endurance. Intensity level: intermediate. Duration: 3 weeks with 4 workouts in each week. Yes, it is 4 workouts in each. Yes, it is difficult and hard but not fatal.
The first week has shoulders and legs trainings. The second: chest and back. The third is dedicated to biceps and triceps. Every chosen group of muscles gets a load with supersets. Exercises, that are determined for the rest groups of muscles, training just split method. As a result we will have all muscles groups trained. On the one hand, this way gives the opportunity to maximize the work with whole body. On another hand, you will have enough time for the quality muscle recovery. And it can help you avoid the overtraining.
Following this program you can expect progress lasting during the four months. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. So after these wonderful four months you will have to change the program.
As for the rest it shouldn’t be more than three minutes between supersets and form two to four minutes between sets in split trainings. I.e. every training lasts not more than hour and a half. Now let’s talk about pull-ups and push-ups. If these exercises are easy for you, use the weights. If not, try to use ‘Gravitron’-machine. If the gym has not such a machine, try to test analogues for pull-ups and push-ups.
Oh, by the way, it is hard to train four times a week. But it is not fatal if you have proper nutrition and time for the rest. There are no alternatives to sleep but there is a large choice in diets and supplements, such as proteins and gainers. In short, that’s all. There are no nuances anymore.
Let’s go!
First week: legs and shoulders phase
First workout: legs training
First superset:
- Barbell squats 4*10
- Leg Press 4*10
Second superset:
- Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift 4*10
- Lying Leg Curls 4*10
Third superset:
- Hack Squats 3*10
- Barbell Lunges 3*10
Forth superset:
- Hanging Leg Raises 3*10
- Standing Calf Raises 3*20
Second workout: shoulders training
- Decline Crunch 3*15
First superset:
- Military Press 4*8
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise (Power Partials) 4*10
Second superset:
- Seated Dumbbell Press 4*10
- Upright Barbell Rows 4*10
Third superset:
- Bent-Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises 3*10
- Barbell Shrugs 3*10
Third workout: back and chest training
- Hyperextensions 3*10
- Barbell Bench Press 5*8
- Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3*10
- Pullups 3*10
- Seated Cable Rows 3*10
- Bent-arm Dumbbell Pullover 3*10
Forth workout: biceps and triceps training
- Decline Reverse Crunch 3*10
- Supinated Grip Pullups 3*10
- Hammer Curls 3*10
- Parallel bar Dips 4*10
- Triceps Pushdowns 4*10
- Seated Palm-Up Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
- Seated Palm-Down Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
Second week: back and chest phase
First workout: legs and shoulders training
- Hyperextensions 3*10
- Barbell squats 4*10
- Leg Press 3*10
- Military Press 4*10
- Seated Behind-the-Neck Barbell Press 3*10
Second workout: chest training
- Hanging Leg Raises 3*10
First superset:
- Barbell Bench Press 4*10
- Push-up Wide 4*10
Second superset:
- Incline Dumbbell Press 4*10
- Butterfly 4*10
Third workout: back training
First superset:
- Hyperextensions 4*10
- Stiff Leg Barbell Good Morning 4*10
Second superset:
- Pullups 4*10
- Seated Cable Rows 4*10
Third superset:
- Bent Over Barbell Row 3*10
- Close-Grip Front Lap Pulldown 3*10
Forth superset:
- Leverage Iso Low 3*10
- Straight-Arm Pulldown 3*10
Forth workout: biceps and triceps training
- Decline Crunch 3*10
- Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 4*10
- EZ-Bar Scullcrusher 3*10
- Barbell Curls 4*10
- Seated Palm-Up Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
- Seated Palm-Down Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
Third week: biceps and triceps phase
First workout: legs and shoulders training
- Hyperextensions 3*10
- Barbell squats 4*10
- Lying Leg Curls 3*10
- Hack Squats 3*10
- Seated Dumbbell Press 3*10
- Front Dumbbell Raise 3*10
Second workout: biceps and triceps training
- Crunches 3*15
First superset:
- Parallel Bar Dips 4*10
- Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension 4*10
Second superset:
- Push-Ups Close Hand Positions 3*10
- Triceps Pushdowns 3*10
Third superset:
- Barbell Curls 4*10
- Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl 3*10
Third workout: back and chest training
- Hyperextensions 3*10
- Barbell Deadlift 5*8
- Barbell Shrugs 3*10
- Barbell Incline Bench Press 4*10
- Narrow Grip Pull-Ups 3*10
- One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3*10
Forth workout: biceps and triceps training
- Parallel Bar Leg Raise 3*10
First superset:
- Supinated Grip Pullups 4*10
- Hammer Curls 3*10
Second superset:
- Preacher Curl 3*10
- Concentration Curls 3*10
Third superset:
- Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension 3*10
- Tricep Dumbbell Kickback 3*10
Forth superset:
- Seated Palm-Up Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
- Seated Palm-Down Barbell Wrist Curls 3*10
So there is a large and intensive muscle gain program. Of course, somebody wants to say ‘itsfatal’, ‘icantdothiswithoutpills’...But guys, it is a pattern And You Shouldn’t have bird brain and make it convenient to you.
I want to repeat once more, following such a hard program you should have good nutrition and good sleep. Don’t you know what to cook? We have refresh page with recopies and recommend you to look at. As for sleep, it should be not less than eight hours.
If for some reason you have no possibility to train some exercises, you can replace them with any equal. It is important that aimed muscle has the load when you have workout.
I wish all athletes and jocks big mass. If you like the post, share it with your friends. There will be one plus in karma and two kilos of mass from us ;)