Exercise: 45 Degree Leg Press
45 Degree Leg Press Exercise
  Gluteus maximus
  Vastus medialis
  Vastus lateralis
  Rectus femoris
  Biceps femoris

The leg press is a quality exercise for building big quadriceps & hamstrings, and an overall stronger lower body.


  1. Set up for the 45 degree leg press by loading the weight plates you want to use on the leg press machine.
  2. Sit down on the leg press machine and position your feet at about shoulder width apart, in the middle of the foot plate.
  3. Extend your legs to take the weight off the racks, and release the safety.
  4. Your knees should be slightly bent at the start of the movement, as this will ensure the weight is on your quads.
  5. Slowly lower the weight down until your legs are just past a 45 degree angle. 
  6. Push through your heels and extend your legs to move the weight back up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat movement for desired reps.

​Leg Press Tips:

  1. Your knees should not be locked out at the any point during this exercise.
  2. When moving the weight up, push through your heels.
  3. You can involve the glutes more in this exercise by going deeper.
  4. Always be sure that the safety is locked securely when finishing the exercise.